12. Pinterest Health Challenges

The follower or two I might have for this blog will have realized by now that I am just a tad “behind” on my Pinterest Challenges and blergs. The bulk of you will not doubt be thinking, oh, yeah, I sort of remember her doing something like that. And in this bizarre time of quarantine I sort of skipped ahead to this week to write about what no doubt many of us are thinking of: our health and wellbeing. I am not trying to be trite in the slightest, I think now more than at the beginning of the year when I started this challenge, my own health, and that of my family’s, is at the forefront of my thoughts.

My health issues have been ongoing for some time and while I am grateful I do not have disease to the level that many people do, I am still considered unhealthy. My weight, an issue for decades, has always been a challenge. But beyond my weight I just felt awful, sort of all the time. Between lethargy, stress, headaches, pains, skin issues like eczema and never feeling rested I just feel like existed. I wasn’t living. I always felt uncomfortable in my body (if that makes sense at all). I didn’t like the way I looked in the mirror, in clothes, and there were times when I was thinking – who is this lady I’m stuck inside of?

Compound that with my family’s history of heart disease and cholesterol, my mother’s diagnosis with early onset Alzheimer’s in her early 60’s and my younger brother’s near heart attack and stint just 2 years ago, I could see the writing on the wall. Something needed to change in my life. I struggled all last year on Noom, because I already understand the psychology of why I overeat and don’t exercise but the bottom line is I didn’t have a permanent plan to change my life for the long term. I wanted a quick fix.

I even alluded to all this in this very Pinterest Blog Challenge at the start of the year and had set aside several weeks (and more) to Pins that involved fitness, diets and lemon water “miracle flat belly” drinks. All just a continued desire to change without the actual plan.

About a month ago I reach out to my dear friend Jessica who had been looking particularly happy in recent months. She had lost weight but more than that she was happy, energetic and engaged with her life. I wanted to feel that way too. She told me about a program she had started where the focus was on gaining optimal health in every aspect of your life. That weight loss was a part of that, but the big picture was to take small steps in areas like sleep, hydration, stress, food intake, movement and meditation (or self-reflection if you prefer the term). These small steps, over time, would become daily habits that would take me to where I would have wellbeing in all the areas of my life. While I was hesitant, I was also desperate and I loved that it was more of a strategic plan than a weight loss program.

I started the program 3 weeks ago and just completed week three. While I have lost 12 pounds so far that is nothing compared to the energy, clarity and focus I have found again. Even amid this pandemic and self-quarantine I have to say that I feel better these last 3 weeks than I have felt in years. I am sleeping better, and my skin has cleared up so much that I do not use my rash cream at all anymore. I wake up rested, not tired or groggy. Despite the world’s chaos, I just feel, well, happier.

So, all this to say that I will not be posting ANY more Pinterest diet or quick fix lemon water challenges. I have finally found what works for me and I cannot wait to continue the path to optimum health for myself and stay there for the rest of my life. And while we watch in grief the stories of people with underlying health issues being most susceptible to this virus I am grateful that I am trying now to make my life as healthy as I can. I wish everyone out there good health, safety from this virus, and a long life filled with wellness!

Crazy side note #1: For those that have known me a long time, get this, I LOVE broccoli and eat a huge salad every day now. I CRAVE foods like Salmon, shrimp, sprouts, vegetables, lean pork loin and grilled chicken breast. I haven’t had fast food, alcohol, chips, or pizza in 3 weeks, and I don’t miss it all. I have no idea where the “old” Michelle is right now, but this Michelle is not hungry and not constantly thinking about her next meal. Good riddance!

Crazy side note #2: I know this may sound like a sales pitch – it isn’t. But, I am happy to share what I am doing if you want to PM me through text or Facebook though. I will probably even create a page for health on this blog at some point in the future for those who want to follow or join me!

5. How I Set Up My Self-Care Space

Pinterest Challenge for week 5 is all about creating a space for reflection, mediation and relaxation and I definitely can use more of that in my life. I was inspired by this Pinterest image and here is the link if your interested: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695077655/

Step 1: Choose a space. According to the pin this doesn’t have to be a large space or in a separate room. It can be a shelf, the top of a dresser or a little table in the corner. The key is to have it in a place where you can create some peace and tranquility.

Here is what I did: I chose to a spot in my craft room/office. It’s a space of my own, where I write and store the yearly Christmas wrap, but I like the room and it’s a place I can definitely have to myself. The table was my mothers and she used it as a desk while in school. I really love it but it’s fragile so I generally just put scrapbooking things on it. Frank made me the peg board a few years ago for some of my supplies but I definitely don’t need to see that every day. So, I cleaned everything off and chose this as the space I could come into everyday and reflect there with gratitude.

Secondly, your space needs some flair to make it your own. For example, you can choose lace or material that is soothing to you to hang on the walls. Or cover the table, or surface, with special family table linens or doilies, or leave it plain.

I was given the frog flag by one of my closest friends for Christmas who knows that I believe the Frog is my spirit animal (look it up). This way my peg board is covered but I can tie it up anytime I want to use the supplies under it. It was a perfect fit. I already love looking at the imagery and the vibrant colors. I placed a table runner on the desk to protect it from the essential oils and candle wax.

Next, and of vital importance, is the mood you create and how your senses are a part of your self care. Sight: you don’t want hard lights or florescent bulbs as you are trying to mediate or pray. You can choose salt lamps or any type of serene lighting. Sound: you can set up a small water feature or a speaker for music. Smell: get a diffuser for essential oils or, if you prefer, incense or candles.

I choose a very low watt light that is slightly yellow in hue. I also was given a rose quartz globe and light box that I love the look of. I added a diffuser for my essential oil blends and I wish I could share smell-a-vision as it is already more relaxing with lavender and patchouli gently wafting in the air. I have my old phone that only works with wi-fi hidden behind my diffuser with amazon music on. I can play music that I enjoy with just a quick touch.

Finally, and most importantly, add the things that are meaningful to you and will bring you joy, peace, and serenity. Everything on the table should mean something to you, remind you of someone or take you to a place you have wonderful memories of. The point of the space is remind you of all you have to be grateful for; all the people you love and who love you; and inspiration to make the most of the person you are and are becoming.

Everything in my space was given to me by someone special or something I picked up as a remembrance. My space will be different than yours but I hope you recognize how worthy you are of loving yourself enough to create a small space where you can think, journal, pray, meditate or just reflect. I used the area right away and immediately was thankful for this challenge. I love my self-care space!

4. Dark Circle Eye Serum

This week’s Pinterest Challenge is a beauty/health Pin. I’ve been a fan of essential oils for a few years now, but definitely a novice user. I use diffusers and have made a few roller bottles combinations for stress and relaxation but haven’t yet tried any as an actual “beauty aid”. I’ve always relied on store bought items for that type of thing but believe if you can find something that works just a good and is more natural (not to mention cheaper) then why not give it try!

I am actually excited about seeing the long term results of this challenge. If it works, I will be ecstatic. Primarily because I would love to get rid of the circles under my eyes and secondly, it seems so easy that I can see it being something I can continue long-term.

Here is the Pin that inspired me (sorry folks but I won’t be posting the actual link as it appears to go nowhere and I don’t want to share potential spam). The “recipe” is right on the picture though so there’s really no reason to click the link.

The first part of the challenge is to gather supplies. I actually had every one of these items in my “essential oils basket” in my Marie-Kondo-linen-closet. This challenge cost me nothing. I used vitamin E capsules that I take daily and cut off the tops to squeeze the oil into the elixir. I chose Coconut Oil as the carrier oil because I love it so much. (I use coconut oil any chance I can get.) It took me less than 5 minutes to add the 15 drops of each oil (lavender, lemon and frankincense), squeeze out the vitamin E, and top the bottle with the carrier oil. Easy – peasy! And it smells AMAZING!

(Posting a picture of me without makeup is fairly traumatic for me – but I am all in for this Pin-Ing challenge so be KIND!) This is my under-eye circle before I used any oil at all. I have two pictures just to be sure I can monitor the improvement (if any).

Ok, this is one week in – after using the serum both morning and night. I don’t notice a difference yet in appearance but I will say:

The skin under my eyes feels tighter and less fragile since using the serum.

The aroma is very pleasant and non-irritating. I was worried it may burn my eyes but it doesn’t. Note: DO NOT PUT TOO CLOSE TO YOUR EYE. ONLY USE ON THE AREA UNDER YOUR EYE!

Stay tuned for more pics in the upcoming weeks!

3. 4-Week Beginner’s Work Out Plan

Whoop! Whoop! It’s Week 3 my friends and here I am ready to get my next Pinterest Challenge on! This week is a work-out challenge and please note in the title the use of the word BEGINNER – as defined by Merriam-Webster (which is a dictionary for the younger reader):

one that begins something especially: an inexperienced person.

That part about beginning something especially, I think that’s me. While I have worked out in the past it’s been at least a decade since I have stuck to a workout program for a long period of time. So I set about this with the mentality and most especially the appearance of a beginner. Shall we begin?

Here’s the Pinterest Pin if you’d like to join me: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695075667/

Also, check out my Workout Challenge Vlog (and try not to laugh at me too much) – I mean, hey, at least I’m trying. Huge thanks to my daughter Morgan for her fun finishing touches too:

UPDATE: Jan 31st – So, as it turns out I really did hurt my knee pretty bad doing those damn jumping jacks. I had to rest it a few days and it’s still not 100% but, I looked up some of the exercises to try doing a modified version and it seems to be working. I’m just now getting back on track so I’ll keep pushing on while trying not to injure myself. I guess those disclaimers to consult a physician before starting an exercise program are legit.

2. 19 Day Keto Diet Meal Plan…

…AND 15 Cheap Keto Meals. I combined 2 Pins so deal with it.

I did it! I made it to week 2 of the Pinterest Challenge! I am already impressed with myself. Also, side-note, I realized I don’t even have tens of followers so I need to amend from last week’s vlog to be: welcome back Bily and the one person who reads my blog from Canada (whoever you are )! This week’s challenge is a food/weight loss challenge because one of my biggest goals for myself is to be healthier and look decent in a dress for my daughter’s wedding at the end of 2020. So, since I am currently, highly motivated, I wanted to start right away with a food challenge. I’ve done Paleo before and I really loved it – and an additional benefit is that it is closer to the “grain-brain” diet that Dr. Pearlmutter recommends for a healthier brain and I definitely want that in my life. So I thought I would give Keto a try. If it is something I think I can get used to long-term I think I will probably keep it up beyond the 19 days.

The reason I combined two Pins this week is that once I starting looking into the “19 Day Keto Meal Diet Plan” I was very upset by the huge quantity of food it was requiring me to purchase with no adjustments for leftovers. With a household of two it is wasteful to cook a quiche that can feed at least four and never plan to eat what is left. I don’t like that. Also, the plan is designed for someone who does not work, go out to socialize, or have anything else to do but stand in the kitchen prepping the next meal right after you eat the current one. The prep was way too much for my schedule. Then I found these receipes for Cheap Keto Meals and they not only sounded delicious but look fast and quick. Plus I will be able to take the left-overs to work for lunch each day. I think my odds of staying on track are much more doable now.

If you like to join me here are the links:

https://www.ieatketo.com/cheap-keto-dinner-recipes/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes&utm_term=492255138_16368604_209191 and http://www.ketodietyum.com/keto-diet-plan/

Watch my vlog on this Pin Challenge, and huge thanks to Mothehalf for her amazing editions to the final cut; I think it makes it way more fun. See you next week!

So. Much. Broccoli.

UPDATE: Day 6 of 19 – Someone for the love of God help me! I am STILL eating the Broccoli, Ham and Egg casserole for breakfast each day! Actually, it turns out I love it. Honestly, this challenge has been tough to stick to and I think I needed to do a bit more research into all the foods that are allowed and restricted on this diet. For example – which alcohol am I allowed to drink? Why can’t I have a low fat yogurt if I want? Let me get this straight: apples are bad but berries are good? It’s all so much! At this point I don’t see myself taking it beyond 19 days. On the other hand I’ve made 4 of the recipes so far and loved each one. My favorite was the most simple – Cabbage and Bacon Stir Fry. So fast and delicious. Chop up bacon, fry it. Chop up cabbage – fry it in a little of the bacon drippings. Combine add salt, pepper and chili flakes. I love it! And I have been eating the leftovers for lunch each day so that makes me feel good. I’ve only dropped 2 pounds so who knows if that was water weight or pair of shoes but I’m going to keep trying to make it work. I think doing a little research on Keto foods is on the agenda for today though if I stand a chance of not hating this. We’ll see!

UPDATE: Day one of STUPID – Ok I literally hated almost everything about this challenge and Pin and completely quit about day 10. Keto (or any restrictive type of diet for that matter) is NOT for me. If anything it made me feel resentful and angry. I loved some of the recipes and would definitely eat them again, but there is no way I can live with this type of diet the rest of my life so why set myself up to gain any pounds I lose back? I need to focus on exercise and eating in moderation. But to say I can “never” eat any food again (especially the ones I love) is just setting future Michelle up for failure and I do not need to have even MORE feelings that revolve around food. Done. Finito. Over. NEXT!

1. Yearly Savings Plan

Well here we are! The first week of the new year and my new challenge to Blog or Vlog about a Pinterest pin that I have chosen.

This first pin is a financial challenge entitled, “Yearly Savings Plan” in which I will place a predetermined amount of money away each week and at the end of the year should have saved $1000. Sounds pretty good eh?

Watch my very first Vlog here to find out more!

It took almost 24 hours and 3 people but I think I just posted my very first Vlog!

Update: Jan 17th – week 3 This Pin challenge is going great with a total of $6 saved as of today!

Update: Jan 31st – week This Pin challenge continues to be a no brainer with a total of $15 saved as of today!

Back in the Blerg-Blog Saddle

Bored with “Oak Island” I started scanning through Pinterest and was struck with the idea: I have hundreds of Pins just sitting here, mocking me, why not actually try something besides a new cocktail recipe? And while I love a great new cocktail I would also like to, “Get fit in 2 weeks”, “Rock that smokey eye”, and “Try 3 things each night to raise your vibration”. My second thought was that this is something I would definitely share, and should share, on video. So, lucky for you dear reader, you are invited on this journey to watch me make a fool of myself, to see before and after photos, and hopefully have a good laugh at my expense.

Each week I will try a new Pinterest pin from my billions of boards (follow me here: https://www.pinterest.com/mrsraskey/ ) and share my experiences, videos and pictures with you! This year I will turn 49! WOW that’s almost – 50! And I am excited about it! It’s a fun time in my life, I am still working on myself. My oldest daughter is getting married this year, I am in a new state, a new job and coming to terms with the new me. I’m learning, growing, changing and maybe one of these Pins will launch a deeper discovery of myself – or maybe I will nail contouring – at the very least I will give myself, and my reader/viewer, a good laugh.

We start next Friday – one week from today. I am really excited about it! You can find the blogs and vlogs under the “Pin-Ing” category. I hope you’ll tune in each week and feel free to leave a “Sugest-Pin” in the comment section and I’ll see if I can add it to the calendar. Now, I’m going to make a new cocktail and toast to an amazing 2020!

A Princess Bride

June 22, 2008

I love watching the Princess Bride. Growing up it was a family favorite. I can quote lines with the best of them and still giggle when I think of my favorite:

” You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders – the most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” – but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! “

But that movie also left me with a longing for a love like Buttercup’s. I longed for Wesley’s “As you wish”. Long story short, my first take at love left me far from that perfect farm boy and lying tortured on a rack. But this is a happy blog right? Yes, but to quote Wesley again, “life is pain”. So for a brief paragraph I will open my closet door and let you see the messy back corner:

I am lying on my bedroom floor in the fetal position. I am sobbing so hard no sounds are coming out. There is snot running out my nose, saliva strings dripping and for some reason I cannot close my mouth. I cannot take a breath or see. I weigh a thousand pounds and nothing at the same time. I have one million thoughts and not one of them is clear. All I manage is moans and I wish I was dead because I want it to stop so bad. I remember thinking, “Is this it? Is this all the love I will ever know?” I am pressed against the bottom. Rock bottom.

I cannot tell you how long it took me to climb out. The journey is different for everyone. I know I didn’t do it alone. My family, friends, therapist and special “healers” all grabbed my hands, pulled, pushed, prodded and yanked me step by slow step. There were good times and slips. There were parts of my mind that healed faster than others. There was joy and laughter in the journey, followed by tears. To this day I still have certain trigger words and actions that can fling me fast back to the dark. But it happens less and less. Even writing about it just now brought hot tears to my eyes. It’s been a journey. A beautiful, painful dance; but, that really is just life isn’t it?

Then I met Wesley. (Well his name is Frank but for the sake of a cohesive story…)

I didn’t need to be rescued. I realize I never had. And Frank didn’t want to rescue me. He didn’t try to prove himself. He just asked to be in my life and stand by me. For a year I needed to work on myself and my degree and my job and being a single mom. He let me be. But he was always there. He was my friend. He already loved me just as I was. Accepted me for what I could give and when I could give it. He is a patient soul. He is kind. He is funny. And one day I just realized, I am madly in love with this man. We’ve been together ever since.

Exactly 11 years ago tomorrow, at sunset, we will celebrate our promises to each other in Sedona. Until him I didn’t know that I could love this much. I didn’t know I could accept being loved so much. It is a love that makes me feel safe, a partnership in which I am valued, a friendship in which I am heard. It is the daily gift of being challenged with, ‘what else can you accomplish and how can I support you?’ He says “As you wish” with every touch of his hand on my back, the goodnight kisses without fail, and the refilling of my glass – in every way possible. What a treasure. And as much as I hate it, I would have never unburied any of it without that pit.

I think of that girl lying on the floor and my heart breaks for her. I want to rush to her in a time machine and hold her tight and tell her, “Oh girl, you just hold on because what is waiting for you is beyond your wildest dreams. Better than Buttercup and Wesley. And wipe your nose, you’re really gross right now.”

I’ve changed my mind. My favorite quote from “The Princess Bride” is:

“Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.” 
― William Goldman, The Princess Bride


My mom loved to can. In the summer we would drive to the farms near the delta to buy flats of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and all manner of fruit. I would watch as she transformed the kitchen into a factory filled with steam from the boiling water and the smells of cinnamon, dill and vinegar. She was amazing. Quart jar after quart jar would color our garage pantry shelf. Red, greens, oranges, yellows and deep purple for our family favorite: prune butter. By the end of the summer our shelves were filled and it was a source of pride for her survey her efforts reflected back in the glass of those beautiful jars.

My mom was a nurse. She went back to school to finish her nursing degree when my youngest brother went to to Kindergarten. I was around 12 and her determination to fulfill her dreams was my first glimpse at feminism; how a woman can have family and career and rock them both. She was so smart and my whole family wanted her help. There isn’t a person I can think of who did not call my mom at some point to ask about a rash or a pain or the color of baby poop to see what it all meant. And she loved it. She loved helping and healing people. She revealed to me an inner strength that I would not see or know I would need until years later. Picking up the pieces of my life after my divorce I frequently repeated the mantra, “My mom did this; so can I”. And I did. And I know the roots any success I have lead back to my mom.

My mom was a singer. She loved to sing. She sang in chorus in high school. She sang in church choirs, at masonic functions, weddings and parties. She closed her eyes while she sang and you could hear in her voice the smile spread across her lips. She made a song for each of my girls when they were born. She sang them that song so often that even when I sing it now she will join me, though she cannot form complex sentences. Her favorite songs were for the Lord and her conviction and faith were as vibrant as her notes. I believe she was closest to God during those choruses of Halellujah.

My mom was a seamstress. In almost every photo I have of me as a little girl I am wearing a dress my mother made me right up until Jr. High when I started to feel the peer pressure of labels. She made me beautiful formal gowns for Rainbow girls. She made my dad silk shirts and Pendleton coats. She made all of us (dad, her, me and my two brothers) matching turtle tank tops that we wore on vacation to the Grand Canyon.We proudly posed for a family photo in them. She made my daughters dress after dress for them and their dollies. She could sew anything. She sewed because we didn’t have money and it was cheaper to make clothes back then, but I know that when someone complimented our outfits she was proud to say,”Oh, I made that.”

My mom began to die about 10 years ago. At first everyone thought she was just tired or stressed. Her words were mixed up frequently and sometimes she would be right in the middle of a sentence and look at you with blank eyes and say, “I have no idea what I am going to say”. A year later she was forgetting dates and times, forgetting to pick up her grandchildren for babysitting. Forgetting to set the car in park. She was diagnosed with early on-set Alzheimers. All the books I read made me so angry. Nothing was good. There was no cure. There is no treatment besides mild prolongation. It has been what I call, ‘A 10-year Funeral’ and every few years I breakdown completely as my dad and our family mourn another piece robbed by this hellborn disease. I hate what I know will come. I hate how she knows what is happening to her still. I hate that she was robbed of her words and her songs. I hate being helpless to do anything. I hate that each Mother’s Day I can’t help but reflect back to who my mother was.

My mother is a nurse, a singer, a chef and wife. She is a healer, counselor, friend and partner. She is a Nana, a seamstress, a PTA president, a carpool driver, a water-skier, a bologna sandwich roll-up maker and a prayer warrior. I won’t forget that. I won’t let anyone forget that. Just like her famous tomato sauce and apricot jam. I promise you that mom. I promise you that.