1. Yearly Savings Plan

Well here we are! The first week of the new year and my new challenge to Blog or Vlog about a Pinterest pin that I have chosen.

This first pin is a financial challenge entitled, “Yearly Savings Plan” in which I will place a predetermined amount of money away each week and at the end of the year should have saved $1000. Sounds pretty good eh?

Watch my very first Vlog here to find out more!

It took almost 24 hours and 3 people but I think I just posted my very first Vlog!

Update: Jan 17th – week 3 This Pin challenge is going great with a total of $6 saved as of today!

Update: Jan 31st – week This Pin challenge continues to be a no brainer with a total of $15 saved as of today!

Back in the Blerg-Blog Saddle

Bored with “Oak Island” I started scanning through Pinterest and was struck with the idea: I have hundreds of Pins just sitting here, mocking me, why not actually try something besides a new cocktail recipe? And while I love a great new cocktail I would also like to, “Get fit in 2 weeks”, “Rock that smokey eye”, and “Try 3 things each night to raise your vibration”. My second thought was that this is something I would definitely share, and should share, on video. So, lucky for you dear reader, you are invited on this journey to watch me make a fool of myself, to see before and after photos, and hopefully have a good laugh at my expense.

Each week I will try a new Pinterest pin from my billions of boards (follow me here: https://www.pinterest.com/mrsraskey/ ) and share my experiences, videos and pictures with you! This year I will turn 49! WOW that’s almost – 50! And I am excited about it! It’s a fun time in my life, I am still working on myself. My oldest daughter is getting married this year, I am in a new state, a new job and coming to terms with the new me. I’m learning, growing, changing and maybe one of these Pins will launch a deeper discovery of myself – or maybe I will nail contouring – at the very least I will give myself, and my reader/viewer, a good laugh.

We start next Friday – one week from today. I am really excited about it! You can find the blogs and vlogs under the “Pin-Ing” category. I hope you’ll tune in each week and feel free to leave a “Sugest-Pin” in the comment section and I’ll see if I can add it to the calendar. Now, I’m going to make a new cocktail and toast to an amazing 2020!