8. The Morning Routine

This Pinterest challenge is a real winner in my book. I am not a morning person, but this Pin and my motivation to instill habits of health in my life have created a routine that I find myself looking forward to. The premise is that the way we start our day and what we focus on can play an important role in how we deal with the challenges and opportunities that will present themselves. Since I get up about 4:30 am every morning with my husband, I have plenty of time to do all this before work. I don’t need to be on social media or watch the news, I need to focus on what is best for me and my health. I have been doing this for about 3 weeks now (which is why I named it Pin #8. See, I have been doing my part – just slacking in the posting department), and I have to say, I can tell the days I skip. I am finding I need this routine because it grounds and focuses me on making healthy eating choices, moving more, smiling more, listening more, and not being stressed out about everything that is happening around me. And with the pandemic, I need to stay focused on the positive and my locus of control. I love all the the Habits here but I focus on these seven every morning and I love it! It has helped me so much, and I hope it helps you too! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695075662/

  • Habit #1: Get up right away. At the sound of your alarm count down, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” and get up. This eliminates thinking about how much time you have before you have to “really get up”, which isn’t restful anyway. Set the alarm for when you have to get up and do it.
  • Habit #2: Make your bed right away. It makes you feel like you already have accomplished something before the sleep is even out of your eyes.
  • Habit #3: Repeat an affirmation: I have this link here for the affirmations I love and I start my day with the next one on the list. If I really love it, I write it on sticky note and keep it at the front of my planner. This is my day’s “battle cry” and I like to remind myself of what I am capable of. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695626568/
  • Habit #4: Journal – It doesn’t have to be long, just write. You can free write, dream journal, or use a prompt like the ones in this link. Just get your mind moving. I like the prompts because they inspire me to keep focused on working on becoming a better version of myself: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695531390/
  • Habit #5: Meditate: In the blog, Laivana gives links to some great 4 and 5 minute morning meditations to get you in a positive mindset. You can definitely find hundreds on youtube of any length. I started with her blog recommendations but I definitely have expanded to try lots more. Searching for a good mediation is now a fun part of my morning routine.
  • Habit #6: Yoga. This is probably the #1 reason why this routine has really kicked in for me. I love to use the youtube videos called Yoga with Adriene. She is awesome, not annoying, has videos from 5 min to whatever you have time for, her dog is frequently assisting her, and they are DOABLE! I will even post the video that got me hooked and has now has me doing longer and longer videos because it makes me feel good! https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
  • Habit #7: Focus on the positive. List 10 things you are grateful for each morning. I include this with my journaling time and many times am smiling while I write them!
  • There are three other habits she recommends in her blog but I sort of wrap a few of them later into my day. She lists a morning skin care routine (but I incorporate that with my shower); prepping in advance (like setting out your clothes and making your lunch the night before), but with the Virus I haven’t needed that yet; and taking inspired action – you choose your life every day. I try to take that with me throughout the day (especially right now as I remind myself that I choose everything that I eat) so make good choices. Choices that make you healthy and happy.

Maybe it seems overwhelming to try 10 new habits to add to your day, so just try one or two. Then add a few more each week. It really doesn’t take that much time and has been a positive mindset changer for me. Tell me in the comments: What is one part of your morning routine that really makes you feel awesome and you absolutely can’t do without. (And you can leave out the coffee and the constitutional – that goes without saying.)

Here is the video that got me hooked! Anyone can do 5 minutes!

10. Makeup Tutorial -Part 2

To round out the house-bound beauty pageant I was throwing for myself I chose an eye make-up tutorial for brown eyes. Yes, my eyes are brown, thank you for never noticing. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695584249/

I normally do not wear a lot of makeup. I would consider myself a slight to moderate makeup connoisseur. I own more than I would ever wear (especially lipsticks) and mostly because I don’t really know how to wear it. I love how it looks on other people, but I don’t ever feel like I really pull it off. So, this pin, “Simple Everyday Eye Makeup – Beauty Point of View” sounded easy enough for me and since there were only a couple of items required I chose it. Looking back, I wish I had chosen something more wild and crazy and completely ridiculous, but we’ll save that for another Pinterest Challenge week. So here is Part 2 of the makeup tutorials: Pinterest Challenge #10: Eye Makeup.

9. Makeup Tutorial – Part 1

It’s been a while since I posted a video of me making a fool of myself and with the quarantine in place and an insane amount of time on my hands, I decided not to clean my closet and video myself doing a couple of Pinterest Makeup Tutorials. What could go wrong?

Here is the link to the Pinterest tutorial I followed (because I had this makeup already): Anastasia Beverly Hills Cream Contour Kit Review and Demo https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695584212/

For my 9th Pinterest Challenge I chose a tutorial that I have been fascinated by for a few reasons: Contouring. Firstly, I know that you can use this trick for stage to either age yourself or make yourself appear younger. But, I always thought that was because you are so far away from the audience. I never thought about wearing contouring makeup for real life and walking outside in public! It seems insane unless you were having it done by a professional makeup artist (aka you’re a Kardashian). Nevertheless, there are countless tutorials on the site, with all ages of people, claiming they look magazine-cover-ready, all from a shading tip. I was like, really? This cannot be for real. Especially if you are older than 20. And since I am well past that age, this is going to look like a I was in a Mud Run. So, while it’s a little long (I cut as much as I could) here is my first ever attempt at contouring: