2. 19 Day Keto Diet Meal Plan…

…AND 15 Cheap Keto Meals. I combined 2 Pins so deal with it.

I did it! I made it to week 2 of the Pinterest Challenge! I am already impressed with myself. Also, side-note, I realized I don’t even have tens of followers so I need to amend from last week’s vlog to be: welcome back Bily and the one person who reads my blog from Canada (whoever you are )! This week’s challenge is a food/weight loss challenge because one of my biggest goals for myself is to be healthier and look decent in a dress for my daughter’s wedding at the end of 2020. So, since I am currently, highly motivated, I wanted to start right away with a food challenge. I’ve done Paleo before and I really loved it – and an additional benefit is that it is closer to the “grain-brain” diet that Dr. Pearlmutter recommends for a healthier brain and I definitely want that in my life. So I thought I would give Keto a try. If it is something I think I can get used to long-term I think I will probably keep it up beyond the 19 days.

The reason I combined two Pins this week is that once I starting looking into the “19 Day Keto Meal Diet Plan” I was very upset by the huge quantity of food it was requiring me to purchase with no adjustments for leftovers. With a household of two it is wasteful to cook a quiche that can feed at least four and never plan to eat what is left. I don’t like that. Also, the plan is designed for someone who does not work, go out to socialize, or have anything else to do but stand in the kitchen prepping the next meal right after you eat the current one. The prep was way too much for my schedule. Then I found these receipes for Cheap Keto Meals and they not only sounded delicious but look fast and quick. Plus I will be able to take the left-overs to work for lunch each day. I think my odds of staying on track are much more doable now.

If you like to join me here are the links:

https://www.ieatketo.com/cheap-keto-dinner-recipes/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes&utm_term=492255138_16368604_209191 and http://www.ketodietyum.com/keto-diet-plan/

Watch my vlog on this Pin Challenge, and huge thanks to Mothehalf for her amazing editions to the final cut; I think it makes it way more fun. See you next week!

So. Much. Broccoli.

UPDATE: Day 6 of 19 – Someone for the love of God help me! I am STILL eating the Broccoli, Ham and Egg casserole for breakfast each day! Actually, it turns out I love it. Honestly, this challenge has been tough to stick to and I think I needed to do a bit more research into all the foods that are allowed and restricted on this diet. For example – which alcohol am I allowed to drink? Why can’t I have a low fat yogurt if I want? Let me get this straight: apples are bad but berries are good? It’s all so much! At this point I don’t see myself taking it beyond 19 days. On the other hand I’ve made 4 of the recipes so far and loved each one. My favorite was the most simple – Cabbage and Bacon Stir Fry. So fast and delicious. Chop up bacon, fry it. Chop up cabbage – fry it in a little of the bacon drippings. Combine add salt, pepper and chili flakes. I love it! And I have been eating the leftovers for lunch each day so that makes me feel good. I’ve only dropped 2 pounds so who knows if that was water weight or pair of shoes but I’m going to keep trying to make it work. I think doing a little research on Keto foods is on the agenda for today though if I stand a chance of not hating this. We’ll see!

UPDATE: Day one of STUPID – Ok I literally hated almost everything about this challenge and Pin and completely quit about day 10. Keto (or any restrictive type of diet for that matter) is NOT for me. If anything it made me feel resentful and angry. I loved some of the recipes and would definitely eat them again, but there is no way I can live with this type of diet the rest of my life so why set myself up to gain any pounds I lose back? I need to focus on exercise and eating in moderation. But to say I can “never” eat any food again (especially the ones I love) is just setting future Michelle up for failure and I do not need to have even MORE feelings that revolve around food. Done. Finito. Over. NEXT!