This week’s Pinterest Challenge is a beauty/health Pin. I’ve been a fan of essential oils for a few years now, but definitely a novice user. I use diffusers and have made a few roller bottles combinations for stress and relaxation but haven’t yet tried any as an actual “beauty aid”. I’ve always relied on store bought items for that type of thing but believe if you can find something that works just a good and is more natural (not to mention cheaper) then why not give it try!
I am actually excited about seeing the long term results of this challenge. If it works, I will be ecstatic. Primarily because I would love to get rid of the circles under my eyes and secondly, it seems so easy that I can see it being something I can continue long-term.

Here is the Pin that inspired me (sorry folks but I won’t be posting the actual link as it appears to go nowhere and I don’t want to share potential spam). The “recipe” is right on the picture though so there’s really no reason to click the link.

The first part of the challenge is to gather supplies. I actually had every one of these items in my “essential oils basket” in my Marie-Kondo-linen-closet. This challenge cost me nothing. I used vitamin E capsules that I take daily and cut off the tops to squeeze the oil into the elixir. I chose Coconut Oil as the carrier oil because I love it so much. (I use coconut oil any chance I can get.) It took me less than 5 minutes to add the 15 drops of each oil (lavender, lemon and frankincense), squeeze out the vitamin E, and top the bottle with the carrier oil. Easy – peasy! And it smells AMAZING!

(Posting a picture of me without makeup is fairly traumatic for me – but I am all in for this Pin-Ing challenge so be KIND!) This is my under-eye circle before I used any oil at all. I have two pictures just to be sure I can monitor the improvement (if any).
Both under-eye circles before using the serum. Week 1: Under-eye circles after using serum for one week.

Ok, this is one week in – after using the serum both morning and night. I don’t notice a difference yet in appearance but I will say:
The skin under my eyes feels tighter and less fragile since using the serum.
The aroma is very pleasant and non-irritating. I was worried it may burn my eyes but it doesn’t. Note: DO NOT PUT TOO CLOSE TO YOUR EYE. ONLY USE ON THE AREA UNDER YOUR EYE!
Stay tuned for more pics in the upcoming weeks!