I know this because I just witnessed it while boiling water for tea a couple of days ago. I walked up to the stove just in time to feel these life lessons were meant for me at that exact moments.
- In order for the substance in the container to boil, consistent energy must be applied.
- The substance in the pot is not affected at the onset of the energy, in this case the water can still be touched by the finger without burning.
- This is where the old adage comes from: A watch pot never boils. In reality it only feels like that, because we are impatient. We want to see the end result without acknowledging the transition of the water in the pot, has already begun.
- Soon, at the places in closest contact with the energy source, small circles of air are forming, one at first then multiplying exponentially. Meanwhile, on the surface, it appears as if nothing is happening, the water appears unaffected.
- In time, with the energy source remaining consistent, the floor of the vessel is covered with bubbles, some even begin crawling up the sides.
- There is still an appearance that nothing is happening on the surface, but if you were to touch it, or able to see through the top layer, the activity that is about to take place would be evident. Certainly, if you were in that pot you would know a huge transformation is about to occur.
- In time, with the correct amount of time required given the heat/energy applied to the vessel and it’s contents, the first bubble releases from the bottom and floats the surface, exploding. It’s release touches another bubble next to it and it too leaves the bottom, rising to the top. The domino affect begins and shortly the vessel is alive and bubbling and transforming.
- If at any point you remove the vessel from it’s energy source, the process is halted, the transformation stinted. The longer it is away from the energy source, the longer it will take to return to where it was.
- The now boiling water is producing steam, which affects whatever is near it. The boiling water is able to transform whatever it comes into contact with, like tealeaves, pulling from them fragrance and flavor.
Silly thing to feel like I learned something while watching a pot of water boil. But it reminded me to stay with the energy that is being applied to right now. There is so much happening below the surface.