To round out the house-bound beauty pageant I was throwing for myself I chose an eye make-up tutorial for brown eyes. Yes, my eyes are brown, thank you for never noticing. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/172755335695584249/
I normally do not wear a lot of makeup. I would consider myself a slight to moderate makeup connoisseur. I own more than I would ever wear (especially lipsticks) and mostly because I don’t really know how to wear it. I love how it looks on other people, but I don’t ever feel like I really pull it off. So, this pin, “Simple Everyday Eye Makeup – Beauty Point of View” sounded easy enough for me and since there were only a couple of items required I chose it. Looking back, I wish I had chosen something more wild and crazy and completely ridiculous, but we’ll save that for another Pinterest Challenge week. So here is Part 2 of the makeup tutorials: Pinterest Challenge #10: Eye Makeup.