Walmart Sonnet for Denise

Oh Walmart I see you above all stores;

All my needs fulfilled on your every aisle.

Traversing a short-cut across waxed floors,

the smells in pet-care fill my mouth with bile.

Your customers are varied as your crap;

Rich, poor, pre-teen and the geriatric.

They buy cucumbers, fleece sheets and roach traps.

PTA Presidents, truckers, addicts;

People of Walmart live in every town.

Styling in mesh crop tops or pajamas,

Maybe a queen in a full length ball gown,

Will be shopping for her ripe bananas.

Excavations one thousand years from now,

Unveil Slim-Jims as sacred, and bow.




2 thoughts on “Walmart Sonnet for Denise

  1. Omg. I am humbled and greatly honored by this Michele- you have outdone yourself my friend❤️

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