May 1, 2018

Last night’s dream was a real whizbanger of weirdness:

I was in some sort of Western cafeteria-type place that was a cross between a restaurant and post-apocalyptic survival center. People seemed in varying degrees of panic. There was a large trough like area with several levels where people could have food (looked like some sort of veal or meat type product) squished through these cylinders where it would come out the other side as milk for babies. People had their babies at the troughs and would put their bottles under the cylinders to be filled up, sort of like we fill up a drink at a fast food place. I saw a couple with twins who were only feeding one baby and I became enraged about the other baby they had seemed to ignore. I went over (without asking) and picked up the other baby but found they had given him or her only a bottle nipple hooked up to a long tube that should have gone to milk but instead the baby was frantically slurping up the air. The baby’s belly was getting huge with air and I tried to gently push on the baby’s stomach to make it fart the air out. It wasn’t working. I could not get the bottle top out of the babies mouth and realized this baby was going to burst from all the air if I didn’t get it something to drink. So I started pushing people to get the end of the tube into that weird milk. I woke up to Frank’s alarm wondering what in the world?!

Feel free to leave your interpretation of my dream in a comment. I am always fascinated by the interpretation of dreams from the silly to the psychoanalysis. I won’t put my stock in any of it, but it’s fun to read!